Category Archives: Hobby Articles

We’re back! (Again…)

Hi all,

So, the last post I put up was 4 months ago saying about how I was back and the blog would pick up again and all that. As you can tell that went really well! But fear not intrepid space battle fans, this time we really are hoping to be back!

After my last post I had to go into intense GW mode to get a 2000 point Iron Warrior army put together for the Heresy Weekender back in February and since then I’ve been in a mix of hobby slump and slowly working through the Iron Warriors. However, on June 25-26 Jon “Eternal Ocean” Gregory from my regular gaming group is planning on running a campaign weekend for the 6 people in the group. This has spurred the entire group back into FSA in a big way (Dan “August Doumerc” Smith has been going nuts trying to nudge us all to finish our fleets).

Campaigns have always been my weakness when it comes to hobby. The idea of doing a narrative weekend of gaming, developing a set of strong characters and caring about what happens to them and the fleet over a series of linked games is just the biggest slice of games imaginable. As such the chance to do one for FSA is putting models on my painting station once more!

I’ll try to keep you updated as we get closer to the Campaign itself with pictures of the various fleets and snippets from the other players so you can keep track of the build up.

Until next time!

Progress on the Terrans

Hi all,

Welcome back to ITSZ, today I’ve just got a short update for you as I’ve actually spent some time painting and thought I’d share the results so far! Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am not the most diligent hobbyist when it comes to painting my armies and fleets so the fact that I’ve nearly completed 800 points of Terrans in about 2 weeks is nothing short of a miracle to be perfectly honest. I do have to apologise for the poor lighting compounded by the fact that I haven’t done highlights on the non-grey sections yet so they appear a lot darker than they actually are/will be. But enough from me, onto the pictures:

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